Why on earth do i felt so moody haiz....is it because of exam coming so rather bore of it.
Have to study hard for it.Just not to fail.hm...in life not just only about studying but to enjoy . Before we want to enjoy,we of course must have a good result in order to get a better job to enjoy later don't your agree?haiz that's what my mother or my collegue always told me to study hard.Is cert really that important haha..i think partly is.We also must have balance in between studies and work ,plus enjoyment too hehehe.... life goes on no matter what happen.
Recently quiet emotional ,don't know why .My love is becoming more and more deeply for him .I love you xing.Hope you see this. okay let's look at some picture below.

haha only 2 pictures but picture speaks a thousands words. haiz....in life we may be very happy like in the first picture but we also can be sad very sad..but what for to be sad ,make ourselves so emo rather be happy and live day by day wouldn't it be great. I such stop here ba will be continue.
P.S missing u *star *