Monday, December 01, 2008

Funny words.

I hope this will make your laugh as my boyfriend told me all this lame thing haha enjoy reading

PAP -Paying and Paying
HDB-Highly Dangerous Buildings
CPF-Cash Prior to Funeral
SGH-Sure to give up hope
MRT-Mad rush to the train
SENTOSA-So expensive and nothing to see actually
COE-Cash on Expressway
NUH-Never use heart
POSB-Permanently owning some bank
MAS-Mad Accounting system
PSA-Pay the sum ahead
MOE-Money only Enviroment
SBS-Squashed in a bus side by side
LTA-Loan Techniques always system
PWD-Purposely wants to Dig
ERP-Eternally Raise Price

end of script

P.S i miss u