Hi everyone meow ..
holiday is here and i'am here blogging instead of going out to enjoy ,you should be glad that i stay home to blog or else there won't be any post for you guys to see hehe..no la just kidding
recently i been to the science center with dear dear ,do you know science center change alot and the last time i went was way back long can't really remember. There is this special item for the upcoming F1 race located in the science center Hall A.But kind of regret as not much thing feature for the F1 though.
Never mind at least i enjoyed myself with dear and he keep disturbing me. naughty boy =)
didn't post any pictures ,i never bring my camera =( so too bad.

F1 is coming soon but not so excited over it hmmmm..don't know why ..but i cant wait for the money to roll in ..i am so broke now bye everyone shall post again
nite nite =)
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