Today as usual another monday ,that's only two lesson today.Wanted to go to dear's house then we make a move to sch but i ended up sleeping till 9 plus reaching to 10 am haha..was bloodly tired. As last night i surf the net till quiet late . Not many people attend lesson today i don't know why too...but at least i learned something today in DE and get some tips from the lecture teacher.Or else i don't know what to study for exam.I keep pestering my dear to get for me sweet as i suddenly craving for it.haha you should see his face ( du luan) is some dialect which like cannot take it.But i don't care and keep on pestering him.
Nothing special happen today as normal we headed to library to study for our creative module and he send me home after getting my dinner as my grandmum didn't cook today.While on the way to the library i got this chips more new flavour butter crunch ,your guys should try it and it is very yummy too.

okay that shall be the end of my story for today will be continue...exam is coming real soon..haiz study study..
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