Actually wanted to blog it yesterday but i was too tired so i fall asleep.
Yesterday was dar dar birthday hm..we went out to play arcard and later on we went to eat steamboat at bugis.haha this month we went 3 time alreadly ,i think the person over there will recognize us or even blacklisted .Overall is a nice meal . But something funny happened.
look at the photo below

I know it looks blur but this picture has a story behind it.Okay here it goes ...
The birthday boy and Xuan li ,me ,last but not least the culprit Tham sheng hao .We went to had steamboat and ordered chicken soup and fish soup. Zhao kai and Xuan li went to get the food and left Sheng hao and me ,okay let's make it short and simple after they had taken the food we started putting in and waited for it to be cook. Zhao kai the birthday boy put in the crab ,he took it out and wanted to eat it but he have some difficulty cracking the crab shall haha ..so he knock it on the table and one part of it drop.He asked SH(sheng hao)to picked it up but he i gone him .
So we continue eating and later on SH(sheng hao) accidentally kicked the crab which ZK(zhao kai ) drop it just now.It went straight out of the store. we laughed until cannot take it.
After our dinner we headed to 7 eleven to get our drink .After that is home sweet home for everyone.
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