such Adorable soft toy
for the above picture is my dear got it for me at the arcard we spend quite alot of money to get this cute little toys.You know the big candy machine at the arcard where you put in money and you got to scope up the candy to make it full so that it will hit the jackpot ..haha i tell you i was like addited to this game.Today we got the japanese mickey mouse couple.hehe so kawai ne.But is another version of the big candy machine.But is smaller.
While going home we enter the train and saw how come that is like a earthquake mark..and realise that is some advertisment for the fastfood.My dear was curious and took a look and it said GET $2 OFF on a thick oral . Anyway i saw a guy took alot of that damn kiasu haha..wanted to upload the picture for your guys to see but there is some technical problem so cant. =(
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